
There Will Be Drama

Collaboration with Ryan Ady Putra

Actually MAG

• delay • 

"ActuallyMAG was conceived as a platform to reach out to our customers and more. We wanted to relive that rawness of a conversation. With some help from the digital age, the idea was made more feasible. The raw concept faced many changes and revisions, and after much deliberation, the mag finally went live in January 2011 "

ActuallyMAG - Singapore Magazine



For a local jewelry , Nipples Revolt

Thank you NipplesRevolt & Ongga Pratama :)


Deep love and Smooth

I describe a tenderness, 
a deep love and herself. I describe a woman with a fur blanket.

pinky pink

Flamingo is a beautiful bird, 
and beautiful women who describes herself with a flamingo. 
seen from the appearance of brightly colored.

fashion addicted

almost all women love the world of 'fashion', 
the modern era and extraordinary. 
all women can wear whatever she wants. 
from the creator mode which issued the design in view of
 the various print media to the internet though (online shopping)

catta donna